在 MINIX 环境下通过系统调用实现一个基本的 Shell。
Shell 能解析的命令行如下:
program arg1 arg2 ... argN
- “
”表示覆盖写program arg1 arg2 ... argN > output-file
- “
”表示追加写program arg1 arg2 ... argN >> output-file
- “
”表示文件输入program arg1 arg2 ... argN < input-file
- “
programA arg1 ... argN | programB arg1 ... argN
- 后台符号
program arg1 arg2 ... argN &
。 -
。 -
shell 退出命令
。 -
history n
显示最近执行的 n 条指令。
开发环境:VS Code (GNU) + VS2019 (MSVC)
宿主机系统环境:Windows10 + WSL2(Ubuntu 20.04)
虚拟机应用:VMware WorkStation16
Shell 实验过程
Shell 主体的实现
通过实验文档的描述,我们可以知道,Shell 主函数的作用只是用来打印命令提示符,接收输入的命令,在接收到 exit
#include <unistd.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <signal.h>
#define MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH 1024 /* maximum length of each command */#define MAX_COMMAND_NUM 512 /* maximum number of commands */
char command[MAX_COMMAND_NUM][MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; /* input command history */int cnt = 0; /* number of input commands */
intmain(int argc, char** argv) { char cmdline[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; /* input command */ while (1) { printf("%s:/# ", getcwd(NULL, NULL)); while (fgets(cmdline, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH, stdin) == NULL) { printf("$\t\n"); } strcpy(command[cnt++], cmdline); eval(cmdline); }}
此处,由于我们需要实现 history
有关实现命令的所有细节,都在 eval
, history n
, exit
通过 csapp
中 Shell Lab 的启发,我们采用了与该实验中相似的函数结构,即:
- 使用
函数来执行命令 - 使用
函数来分隔命令行 - 使用
voidparse_cmd(char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], const char* cmd) { char p[MAX_COMMAND]; memset(p, 0, sizeof p); int i = 0, cnt = 0, j = 0; while (cmd[i] != '\0') { while (cmd[i] != ' ' && cmd[i] != '\n') { p[j++] = cmd[i++]; } buf[cnt] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p)); strcpy(buf[cnt], p); memset(p, 0, sizeof p); j = 0; cnt++, i++; }}
intbuiltin_cmd(const char* buf[MAX_COMMAND]) { if (!strcmp(buf[0], "exit")) exit(0); else if (!strcmp(buf[0], "cd")) { if (chdir(buf[1])) printf("Failed To Open Directory %s\n", buf[1]); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(buf[0], "history")) { int n = buf[1] == NULL ? cnt - 1 : atoi(buf[1]); if (n > cnt) printf("Error: n is too large\n"); else { for (int i = cnt - n; i < cnt; i++) printf("%s\n", command[i]); } return 1; } else if (!strcmp(buf[0], "mytop")) { /*TODO: finish mytop*/ return 1; } else return 0;}
voideval(const char* cmd) { char* buf[MAX_COMMAND] = { NULL }; parse_cmd(buf, cmd);
if (!builtin_cmd(buf)) { /*TODO:: Program Command*/ printf("Error: %s is not a valid command", cmd); }}
- 对于内置命令
, 我们可以直接调用系统函数chdir
来实现; - 对于
history n
不存在,我们需要输出历史输入的所有命令。 - 对于
(针对此处 parse_cmd
函数中使用 malloc
的解释:由于程序运行时会发生段错误,加上对 gdb
调试的不熟练,于是转向使用 VS2019
进行调试,但 VS
使用的编译器 MSVC
的标准较苛刻,不同于 GNU
, 只用使用 malloc
一个子进程,子进程来运行 exec
, grep
, vi
对此,我们只需要对 eval
voideval(const char* cmd) { char* buf[MAX_COMMAND] = { NULL }; parse_cmd(buf, cmd);
if (!builtin_cmd(buf)) { if (fork() == 0) { if (execvp(buf[0], buf) < 0) { printf("Error: %s is not a valid command", cmd); } } else { wait(0); } }}
明确重定向的实质就是将文件标识符映射到标准输入/输出,这就需要用到 dup
函数,我们需要先关闭标准输入/输出,随后,使用 dup
但在此之前,我们需要对 parse_cmd
函数进行一些修改,增加其识别重定向符号与指定文件名称的功能。为了判断命令中是否存在重定向,与记录文件名称,声明一个结构体 Program_Details
struct Program_Details { int param_num; /* Number of parameters */ int input_mode; /* Input mode 0 for stdin while 1 for file input */ int output_mode; /* Output mode 0 for stdout , 1 for file output, 2 for concating*/ char* input_file; /* Input file */ char* output_file; /* Output file */};
voidparse_cmd(char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], const char* cmd, struct Program_Details* pd) { char p[MAX_COMMAND]; memset(p, 0, sizeof p); int i = 0, cnt = 0, j = 0; int input_idx = 0, output_idx = 0; while (cmd[i] != '\0') { while (cmd[i] != ' ' && cmd[i] != '\n') { p[j++] = cmd[i++]; }
if (!strcmp(p, "<")) pd->input_mode = 1, input_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, ">")) pd->output_mode = 1, output_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, ">>")) pd->output_mode = 2, output_idx = cnt;
else { buf[cnt] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p)); strcpy(buf[cnt++], p); }
memset(p, 0, sizeof p); j = 0, i++; } if (pd->input_mode == 1) { pd->input_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buf[input_idx])); strcpy(pd->input_file, buf[input_idx]); buf[input_idx] = NULL; } if (pd->output_mode == 1 || pd->output_mode == 2) { pd->output_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buf[output_idx])); strcpy(pd->output_file, buf[output_idx]); buf[output_idx] = NULL; } //pd->param_num = cnt;}
voideval(const char* cmd) { char* buf[MAX_COMMAND] = { NULL }; struct Program_Details pd; int pid; parse_cmd(buf, cmd, &pd);
if (!builtin_cmd(buf)) { if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { if (pd.input_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.input_file, O_RDONLY); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); } if (pd.output_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); } else if (pd.output_mode == 2) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); }
if (execvp(buf[0], buf) < 0) { printf("Error: %s is not a valid command", cmd); exit(0); } } else { wait(0); } }}
考虑到例如 grep a < res1.txt > res2.txt
命令的存在,于是设定了两个指针 idx
来确定重定向文件的名称,并且将诸如 >
, <
, >>
等符号与文件名称从命令中剔除,如将命令 ls -a -l > res.txt
分解为 ls -a -l
在 Process_Details
中引入一个变量 bg_fg
为此,需要在 parse_cmd
函数中增加识别 &
根据实验要求,更改 eval
函数,并增加 waitfg
struct Program_Details { int param_num; /* number of parameters */ int bg_fg;/* Background or Foreground flag 0 for foreground while 1 for background */ int input_mode; /* Input mode 0 for stdin while 1 for file input */ int output_mode; /* Output mode 0 for stdout , 1 for file output, 2 for concating*/ char* input_file; /* Input file */ char* output_file; /* Output file */};
voidparse_cmd(char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], const char* cmd, struct Program_Details* pd) { char p[MAX_COMMAND]; memset(p, 0, sizeof p); int i = 0, cnt = 0, j = 0; int input_idx = 0, output_idx = 0; while (cmd[i] != '\0') { while (cmd[i] != ' ' && cmd[i] != '\n') { p[j++] = cmd[i++]; }
if (!strcmp(p, "<")) pd->input_mode = 1, input_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, ">")) pd->output_mode = 1, output_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, ">>")) pd->output_mode = 2, output_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, "&")) pd->bg_fg = 1;
else { buf[cnt] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p)); strcpy(buf[cnt++], p); }
memset(p, 0, sizeof p); j = 0, i++; } if (pd->input_mode == 1) { pd->input_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buf[input_idx])); strcpy(pd->input_file, buf[input_idx]); buf[input_idx] = NULL; } if (pd->output_mode == 1 || pd->output_mode == 2) { pd->output_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buf[output_idx])); strcpy(pd->output_file, buf[output_idx]); buf[output_idx] = NULL; } pd->param_num = cnt;}
voideval(const char* cmd) { char* buf[MAX_COMMAND] = { NULL }; struct Program_Details pd; pid_t pid; parse_cmd(buf, cmd, &pd);
if (!builtin_cmd(buf)) { if (pd.bg_fg) { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); } else { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); }
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { if (pd.input_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.input_file, O_RDONLY); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); } if (pd.output_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); } else if (pd.output_mode == 2) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); }
if (pd.bg_fg == 1) { int fd = open(BG_PATH, O_RDWR); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); }
else { if (execvp(buf[0], buf) < 0) { printf("Error: %s is not a valid command", cmd); exit(0); } } } else { if (!pd.bg_fg) waitfg(pid); } }}
voidwaitfg(pid_t pid) { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0);}
但为了从原本的 buf
数组中取出每一条命令,设定了一个二维数组指针 argv
,其中 argv[i]
表示第 i
条子命令,通过 pipeline
显然,还需要对 Process_Details
表示管道的数量与管道的位置(其中首/末位为 buf
中命令开始的位置与结束的位置,为了便于 pipeline 函数分割命令)
于是,对 parse_cmd
函数进行修改,以保证其可以记录 pipe_num
与 pipe_idx
struct Program_Details { int param_num; /* Number of parameters */ int bg_fg;/* Background or Foreground flag 1 for background while 0 for foreground */ int input_mode; /* Input mode 0 for stdin while 1 for file input */ int output_mode; /* Output mode 0 for stdout , 1 for file output, 2 for concating*/ char* input_file; /* Input file */ char* output_file; /* Output file */ int pipe_idx[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH / MAX_COMMAND];/* If there is a pipe, this represents the index of each command in the commandline */ int pipe_num; /* Number of pipe */};
voidparse_cmd(char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], const char* cmd, struct Program_Details* pd) { char p[MAX_COMMAND]; memset(p, 0, sizeof p); int i = 0, cnt = 0, j = 0; int input_idx = 0, output_idx = 0; int cmd_idx = 1; while (cmd[i] != '\0') { while (cmd[i] != ' ' && cmd[i] != '\n') { p[j++] = cmd[i++]; }
if (!strcmp(p, "<")) pd->input_mode = 1, input_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, ">")) pd->output_mode = 1, output_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, ">>")) pd->output_mode = 2, output_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, "&")) pd->bg_fg = 1; else if (!strcmp(p, "|")) { pd->pipe_idx[cmd_idx++] = cnt; pd->pipe_num++; }
else { buf[cnt] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p)); strcpy(buf[cnt++], p); }
memset(p, 0, sizeof p); j = 0, i++; }
if (pd->input_mode == 1) { pd->input_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buf[input_idx])); strcpy(pd->input_file, buf[input_idx]); buf[input_idx] = NULL; } if (pd->output_mode == 1 || pd->output_mode == 2) { pd->output_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buf[output_idx])); strcpy(pd->output_file, buf[output_idx]); buf[output_idx] = NULL; } pd->param_num = cnt; pd->pipe_idx[cmd_idx] = cnt;}
voidpipeline(char* argv[MAX_COMMAND][MAX_COMMAND], const char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], struct Program_Details pd) { for (int i = 0; i <= pd.pipe_num; i++) { for (int j = pd.pipe_idx[i]; j < pd.pipe_idx[i + 1]; j++) { argv[i][j - pd.pipe_idx[i]] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(buf[j])); strcpy(argv[i][j - pd.pipe_idx[i]], buf[j]); } }}
voideval(const char* cmd) {
char* buf[MAX_COMMAND] = { NULL }; struct Program_Details pd = { .bg_fg = 0, .input_file = NULL, .output_file = NULL, .input_mode = 0, .output_mode = 0, .param_num = 0, .pipe_num = 0 }; pid_t pid; parse_cmd(buf, cmd, &pd);
if (!builtin_cmd(buf)) {
if (pd.bg_fg) { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); } else { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); }
/* 存在管道的话,执行如下 */ if (pd.pipe_num > 0) { char* argv[MAX_COMMAND][MAX_COMMAND] = { NULL }; pipeline(argv, buf, pd); int p[MAX_COMMAND][2]; if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { for (int i = 0;i <= pd.pipe_num;i++) { pipe(p[i]); /* creat a pipe */ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { if (i == 0) { if (pd.input_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.input_file, O_RDONLY); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); }
close(p[i][0]); /* Block input from the parent process*/ close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(p[i][1]);
} else if (i == pd.pipe_num) { if (pd.output_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); } else if (pd.output_mode == 2) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); }
close(p[i - 1][1]); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(p[i - 1][0]);
} else { close(p[i - 1][1]); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(p[i - 1][0]); close(p[i][0]); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(p[i][1]); } if (execvp(argv[i][0], argv[i]) < 0) { printf("Error: %s is not a valid command", *argv[i]); exit(0); } } else { close(p[i][1]); waitfg(pid); } } exit(0); } else { if (!pd.bg_fg) { waitfg(pid); } } } else { /* 无管道时,执行如下 */ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { if (pd.input_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.input_file, O_RDONLY); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); } if (pd.output_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); } else if (pd.output_mode == 2) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); }
if (pd.bg_fg == 1) { int fd = open(BG_PATH, O_RDWR); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); } else { if (execvp(buf[0], buf) < 0) { printf("Error: %s is not a valid command", cmd); exit(0); } } } else { if (!pd.bg_fg) { waitfg(pid); } } } }}
至此,管道功能已实现,经测试,可以实现类似于 ls -a -l | grep a | grep s | grep c
回到内置命令,将除去 mytop
的程序在 MINIX3
系统上运行,发现并无 bug
,于是来实现最后一个命令 mytop
- 内存的使用率
- CPU 的使用率
对于内存的使用率,很轻易就能够解决。只需要打开 /proc/meminfo
对于 CPU 的使用率,分为 3 步解决:
- 通过
读取进程与任务的总数量 - 遍历所有进程的
- 将状态不为
,便可以计算得到 CPU 利用率
struct Task_Mgr { u_int64_t total_memory; /* Total memory */ u_int64_t free_memory; /* Free memory */ u_int64_t cached_memory; /* Cache memory */ double total_cpu_usage; /* Total CPU usage */};
/* in builtin_cmd function # TODO # */ else if (!strcmp(buf[0], "mytop")) { struct Task_Mgr tm = { .total_memory = 0, .free_memory = 0, .cached_memory = 0, .total_cpu_usage = 0 };
char* meminfo[MAX_INFONUM_LENGTH]; int idx = 0; int fd = open(MEM_PATH, O_RDONLY); char p[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; memset(p, 0, sizeof p); while (read(fd, p, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH) > 0); char* str = strtok(p, " "); while (str) { meminfo[idx] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(str)); strcpy(meminfo[idx++], str); str = strtok(NULL, " "); }
u_int64_t pagesize = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[0]); u_int64_t total = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[1]); u_int64_t free = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[2]); //u_int64_t largest = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[3]); u_int64_t cache = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[4]);
tm.total_memory = (pagesize * total) / 1024; tm.free_memory = (pagesize * free) / 1024; tm.cached_memory = (pagesize * cache) / 1024;
printf("Memory Usage: main memory:%uK free memory:%uK cache memory:%uK\n", tm.total_memory, tm.free_memory, tm.cached_memory);
u_int64_t total_proc = 0; fd = open(PROCESS_PATH, O_RDONLY); memset(p, 0, sizeof p); while (read(fd, p, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH) > 0); str = strtok(p, " "); while (str) { total_proc += (u_int64_t)atoi(str); str = strtok(NULL, " "); }
FILE* fp; time_t total_ticks = 0, free_ticks = 0; for (int i = 0;i <= total_proc;i++) { char ps_path[64], name[256], state, type; int version, endtp, blocked, priority; time_t ticks;
sprintf(ps_path, "/proc/%d/psinfo", i);
if ((fp = fopen(ps_path, "r")) == NULL) continue; if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &version) != 1) { fclose(fp); continue; } if (fscanf(fp, " %c %d", &type, &endtp) != 2) { fclose(fp); continue; } if (fscanf(fp, " %255s %c %d %d %d", name, &state, &blocked, &priority, &ticks) != 5) { fclose(fp); continue; }
total_ticks += ticks; if (state != 'R') free_ticks += ticks; }
tm.total_cpu_usage = 100.0 * (total_ticks - free_ticks) / (1.0 * total_ticks); printf("CPU Usage: %.2f\n", tm.total_cpu_usage);
return 1; }
#include <unistd.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <signal.h>#include <dirent.h>
#define MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH 1024 /* maximum length of each command */#define MAX_COMMAND_NUM 512 /* maximum number of commands */#define MAX_COMMAND 64 /* maximum number of characters in each command */#define MAX_INFONUM_LENGTH 20 /* maximum length of number in each info */#define MEM_PATH "/proc/meminfo" /* path to info of memory */#define PROCESS_PATH "/proc/kinfo" /* path to info of process */#define INFOPATH "/proc"#define BG_PATH "/dev/null" /* background process i/o path */#define MAXBUF 1024#define USED 0x1#define IS_TASK 0x2#define IS_SYSTEM 0x4#define BLOCKED 0x8#define TYPE_TASK 'T'#define TYPE_SYSTEM 'S'#define TYPE_USER 'U'#define STATE_RUN 'R'#define CPUTIME(m, i) (m & (1L << (i)))
char command[MAX_COMMAND_NUM][MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; /* input command history */int cnt = 0; /* number of input commands */const char* cputimenames[] = { "user", "ipc", "kernelcall" };struct proc* proc = NULL, * prev_proc = NULL;unsigned int nr_procs, nr_tasks;int nr_total;int slot;
#define CPUTIMENAMES (sizeof(cputimenames) / sizeof(cputimenames[0]))
struct Program_Details { int param_num; /* Number of parameters */ int bg_fg;/* Background or Foreground flag 1 for background while 0 for foreground */ int input_mode; /* Input mode 0 for stdin while 1 for file input */ int output_mode; /* Output mode 0 for stdout , 1 for file output, 2 for concating*/ char* input_file; /* Input file */ char* output_file; /* Output file */ int pipe_idx[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH / MAX_COMMAND];/* If there is a pipe, this represents the index of each command in the commandline */ int pipe_num; /* Number of pipe */};
struct Task_Mgr { u_int64_t total_memory; /* Total memory */ u_int64_t free_memory; /* Free memory */ u_int64_t cached_memory; /* Cache memory */ double total_cpu_usage; /* Total CPU usage */};
struct proc { int p_flags; int p_endpoint; pid_t p_pid; u_int64_t p_cpucycles[CPUTIMENAMES]; int p_priority; int p_blocked; time_t p_user_time; int p_memory; uid_t p_effuid; int p_nice; char p_name[20];};struct tp { struct proc* p; u64_t ticks;};
void eval(const char* cmd); /* exec command */int builtin_cmd(const char* buf[MAX_COMMAND]); /* builtin command */void parse_cmd(char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], const char* cmd, struct Program_Details* pd); /* split commandline into commands */void waitfg(pid_t pid); /* wait for foreground process to exit */void pipeline(char* argv[MAX_COMMAND][MAX_COMMAND], const char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], struct Program_Details pd); /* a pipeline for running command */void get_procs();void parse_dir();u_int64_t make64(unsigned long lo, unsigned long hi);void parse_file(pid_t pid);u_int64_t cputicks(struct proc* p1, struct proc* p2, int timemode);double get_usage(struct proc* proc1, struct proc* proc2, int cputimemode);
intmain(int argc, char** argv) { char cmdline[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; /* input command */ while (1) { printf("%s:/# ", getcwd(NULL, NULL)); while (fgets(cmdline, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH, stdin) == NULL) { printf("$\t\n"); } strcpy(command[cnt++], cmdline); eval(cmdline); }}
voideval(const char* cmd) { char* buf[MAX_COMMAND] = { NULL }; struct Program_Details pd = { .bg_fg = 0, .input_file = NULL, .output_file = NULL, .input_mode = 0, .output_mode = 0, .param_num = 0, .pipe_num = 0 }; pid_t pid; parse_cmd(buf, cmd, &pd); if (!builtin_cmd(buf)) { if (pd.bg_fg) { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); } else { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); } /* 存在管道的话,执行如下 */ if (pd.pipe_num > 0) { char* argv[MAX_COMMAND][MAX_COMMAND] = { NULL }; pipeline(argv, buf, pd); int p[MAX_COMMAND][2]; if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= pd.pipe_num; i++) { pipe(p[i]); /* creat a pipe */ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { if (i == 0) { if (pd.input_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.input_file, O_RDONLY); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); } close(p[i][0]); /* Block input from the parent process*/ close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(p[i][1]); } else if (i == pd.pipe_num) { if (pd.output_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); } else if (pd.output_mode == 2) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); } close(p[i - 1][1]); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(p[i - 1][0]); } else { close(p[i - 1][1]); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(p[i - 1][0]); close(p[i][0]); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(p[i][1]); } if (execvp(argv[i][0], argv[i]) < 0) { printf("Error: %s is not a valid command", *argv[i]); exit(0); } } else { close(p[i][1]); waitfg(pid); } } exit(0); } else { if (!pd.bg_fg) { waitfg(pid); } } } else { /* 无管道时,执行如下 */ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { if (pd.input_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.input_file, O_RDONLY); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); } if (pd.output_mode == 1) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); } else if (pd.output_mode == 2) { int fd = open(pd.output_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); } if (pd.bg_fg == 1) { int fd = open(BG_PATH, O_RDWR); close(STDOUT_FILENO); dup(fd); close(STDIN_FILENO); dup(fd); } else { if (execvp(buf[0], buf) < 0) { printf("Error: %s is not a valid command", cmd); exit(0); } } } else { if (!pd.bg_fg) { waitfg(pid); } } } }}
voidparse_cmd(char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], const char* cmd, struct Program_Details* pd) { char p[MAX_COMMAND]; memset(p, 0, sizeof p); int i = 0, cnt = 0, j = 0; int input_idx = 0, output_idx = 0; int cmd_idx = 1; while (cmd[i] != '\0') { while (cmd[i] != ' ' && cmd[i] != '\n') { p[j++] = cmd[i++]; } if (!strcmp(p, "<")) pd->input_mode = 1, input_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, ">")) pd->output_mode = 1, output_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, ">>")) pd->output_mode = 2, output_idx = cnt; else if (!strcmp(p, "&")) pd->bg_fg = 1; else if (!strcmp(p, "|")) { pd->pipe_idx[cmd_idx++] = cnt; pd->pipe_num++; } else { buf[cnt] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p)); strcpy(buf[cnt++], p); } memset(p, 0, sizeof p); j = 0, i++; } if (pd->input_mode == 1) { pd->input_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buf[input_idx])); strcpy(pd->input_file, buf[input_idx]); buf[input_idx] = NULL; } if (pd->output_mode == 1 || pd->output_mode == 2) { pd->output_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buf[output_idx])); strcpy(pd->output_file, buf[output_idx]); buf[output_idx] = NULL; } pd->param_num = cnt; pd->pipe_idx[cmd_idx] = cnt;}
intbuiltin_cmd(const char* buf[MAX_COMMAND]) { if (!strcmp(buf[0], "exit")) exit(0); else if (!strcmp(buf[0], "cd")) { if (chdir(buf[1])) printf("Failed To Open Directory %s\n", buf[1]); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(buf[0], "history")) { int n = buf[1] == NULL ? cnt - 1 : atoi(buf[1]); if (n > cnt) printf("Error: n is too large\n"); else { for (int i = cnt - n; i < cnt; i++) printf("%s", command[i]); } return 1; } else if (!strcmp(buf[0], "mytop")) { struct Task_Mgr tm = { .total_memory = 0, .free_memory = 0, .cached_memory = 0, .total_cpu_usage = 0 }; char* meminfo[MAX_INFONUM_LENGTH]; int idx = 0; int fd = open(MEM_PATH, O_RDONLY); char p[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; memset(p, 0, sizeof p); while (read(fd, p, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH) > 0); char* str = strtok(p, " "); while (str) { meminfo[idx] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(str)); strcpy(meminfo[idx++], str); str = strtok(NULL, " "); } u_int64_t pagesize = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[0]); u_int64_t total = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[1]); u_int64_t free = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[2]); u_int64_t cache = (u_int64_t)atoi(meminfo[4]); tm.total_memory = (pagesize * total) / 1024; tm.free_memory = (pagesize * free) / 1024; tm.cached_memory = (pagesize * cache) / 1024; printf("Memory Usage: main memory:%uK free memory:%uK cache memory: % uK\n", tm.total_memory, tm.free_memory, tm.cached_memory); int fd2 = open(PROCESS_PATH, O_RDONLY); if (fd2 == -1) { printf("Error: open kinfo failed\n"); exit(1); } char buf[MAXBUF]; int bufsize; bufsize = read(fd2, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bufsize == -1) { printf("Error: reading kinfo\n"); } else { nr_procs = (unsigned int)atoi(strtok(buf, " ")); nr_tasks = (unsigned int)atoi(strtok(NULL, " ")); nr_total = (int)(nr_tasks + nr_procs); close(fd2); } get_procs(); if (prev_proc == NULL) get_procs(); tm.total_cpu_usage = get_usage(prev_proc, proc, 1); printf("CPU Usage: %.2f%%\n", tm.total_cpu_usage); return 1; } else return 0;}
voidwaitfg(pid_t pid) { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0);}
voidpipeline(char* argv[MAX_COMMAND][MAX_COMMAND], const char* buf[MAX_COMMAND], struct Program_Details pd) { for (int i = 0; i <= pd.pipe_num; i++) { for (int j = pd.pipe_idx[i]; j < pd.pipe_idx[i + 1]; j++) { argv[i][j - pd.pipe_idx[i]] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(buf[j])); strcpy(argv[i][j - pd.pipe_idx[i]], buf[j]); } }}
void get_procs() { struct proc* p; int i; p = prev_proc; prev_proc = proc; proc = p; if (proc == NULL) { proc = (struct proc*)malloc(nr_total * sizeof(proc[0])); if (proc == NULL) { printf("Usage: Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } } for (i = 0; i < nr_total; i++) proc[i].p_flags = 0; parse_dir();}u_int64_t make64(unsigned long lo, unsigned long hi) { return ((u_int64_t)hi << 32) | (u_int64_t)lo;}
void parse_file(pid_t pid) { char path[MAXBUF], name[256], type, state; int version, endpt, effuid; unsigned long cycles_hi, cycles_lo; FILE* fp; struct proc* p; int i; sprintf(path, "/proc/%d/psinfo", pid); if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) return; if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &version) != 1) { fclose(fp); return; } if (fscanf(fp, " %c %d", &type, &endpt) != 2) { fclose(fp); return; } slot++; if (slot < 0 || slot >= nr_total) { fprintf(stderr, "top: unreasonable endpoint number %d\n", endpt); fclose(fp); return; } p = &proc[slot]; if (type == TYPE_TASK) p->p_flags |= IS_TASK; else if (type == TYPE_SYSTEM) p->p_flags |= IS_SYSTEM; p->p_endpoint = endpt; p->p_pid = pid; if (fscanf(fp, " %255s %c %d %d %lu %*u %lu %lu", name, &state, &p->p_blocked, &p->p_priority, &p->p_user_time, &cycles_hi, &cycles_lo) != 7) { fclose(fp); return; } strncpy(p->p_name, name, sizeof(p->p_name) - 1); p->p_name[sizeof(p->p_name) - 1] = 0; if (state != STATE_RUN) p->p_flags |= BLOCKED; p->p_cpucycles[0] = make64(cycles_lo, cycles_hi); p->p_memory = 0L; if (!(p->p_flags & IS_TASK)) { int j; if ((j = fscanf(fp, " %lu %*u %*u %*c %*d %*u %u %*u %d %*c %*d % *u", & p->p_memory, &effuid, &p->p_nice)) != 3) { fclose(fp); return; } p->p_effuid = effuid; } else p->p_effuid = 0; for (i = 1; i < CPUTIMENAMES; i++) { if (fscanf(fp, " %lu %lu", &cycles_hi, &cycles_lo) == 2) { p->p_cpucycles[i] = make64(cycles_lo, cycles_hi); } else { p->p_cpucycles[i] = 0; } } if ((p->p_flags & IS_TASK)) { if (fscanf(fp, " %lu", &p->p_memory) != 1) { p->p_memory = 0; } } p->p_flags |= USED; fclose(fp);}
void parse_dir() { DIR* p_dir; struct dirent* p_ent; pid_t pid; char* end; if ((p_dir = opendir("/proc")) == NULL) { exit(1); } for (p_ent = readdir(p_dir); p_ent != NULL; p_ent = readdir(p_dir)) { pid = strtol(p_ent->d_name, &end, 10); if (!end[0] && pid != 0) parse_file(pid); } closedir(p_dir);}u_int64_t cputicks(struct proc* p1, struct proc* p2, int timemode) { int i; u64_t t = 0; for (i = 0; i < CPUTIMENAMES; i++) { if (!CPUTIME(timemode, i)) continue; if (p1->p_endpoint == p2->p_endpoint) { t = t + p2->p_cpucycles[i] - p1->p_cpucycles[i]; } else { t = t + p2->p_cpucycles[i]; } } return t;}
double get_usage(struct proc* proc1, struct proc* proc2, int cputimemode) { int p, nprocs; u64_t systemticks = 0; u64_t userticks = 0; u64_t total_ticks = 0; static struct tp* tick_procs = NULL; if (tick_procs == NULL) { tick_procs = malloc(nr_total * sizeof(tick_procs[0])); if (tick_procs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n"); exit(1); } } for (p = nprocs = 0; p < nr_total; p++) { u64_t uticks; if (!(proc2[p].p_flags & USED)) continue; tick_procs[nprocs].p = proc2 + p; tick_procs[nprocs].ticks = cputicks(&proc1[p], &proc2[p], cputimemode); uticks = cputicks(&proc1[p], &proc2[p], 1); total_ticks = total_ticks + uticks; if (!(proc2[p].p_flags & IS_TASK)) { if (proc2[p].p_flags & IS_SYSTEM) systemticks = systemticks + tick_procs[nprocs].ticks; else userticks = userticks + tick_procs[nprocs].ticks; } nprocs++; } if (total_ticks == 0) return 0.0; return 100.0 * (userticks + systemticks) / total_ticks;}
写完很有成就感,在接触操作系统不足两周的情况下写出一个简单粗糙但还算能跑的 Shell 对我来说的确不算是一件简单的事情。
如上所说,这个 Shell 存在着很多不足,最突出的或许就是最初的设计模式与他所需要实现的功能存在一些冲突…
这个实验,让人对 Shell 的工作原理没有什么很深入的了解,但是确实对系统调用更加熟悉了,exec 属于是救命函数。